Annual Poster Contest
Each year the SCCD reaches out to local K-12 educators and students to participate in the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Annual Stewardship Week Poster Contest.
Hand-drawn posters can be submitted by K-12 students. Digital posters can be submitted by 7-12th grade students only.
Individual posters will be judged at the local level over the summer. Local winners will receive a gift certificate to Sheridan Stationery. Selected posters then go on to the state competition in October for a chance to win a $100 cash prize.
If the poster wins at the state level, it will go onto the national competition, where prizes are $200 (1st), $150 for (2nd), and $100 (3rd).
Deadline for poster submission is June 7, 2024.
Additional Contest Information (Pages 11-12 include contest details and rules)
Please mail or bring submissions to:
Sheridan County Conservation District
1949 Sugarland Drive, Suite 102
Sheridan, WY 82801
2024 Theme "May the Forest Be With You Always"