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Septic System Improvement Program

The SCCD Septic System Improvements program is a local improvements program that provides voluntary, locally-directed, financial and technical assistance for repair or replacement of existing septic systems that likely impact water quality. In 2003, SCCD was awarded Federal grant monies to initiate a local program geared towards the repair or replacement of faulty septic systems which may potentially be contaminating local streams. Funding for the program is provided by a combination of Federal and State grants administered by the SCCD, and landowner contributions. Federal grants come from US EPA through section 319 of the Clean Water Act and are administered through the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. State grants come from the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. Approximately 50% cost-share is available on contracts at this time.

Septic Self-Assessment

Determine the potential risks factors of your septic system

Cost-Share Application

A completed application is required to get the ball rolling!

Cost-Share Process

How the cost-share process works for eligible applicants

Cost-Share Checklist

Use this list to make sure you don't miss any crucial steps

Septic System Improvement Projects

The SCCD began it's septic system cost-share program in 2004. Since then, SCCD has provided cost-share assistance to over 50 septic system replacements in Sheridan County. Below are a few project examples.

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